He is a highly multiple skills include systematic of fishes, wetland and wildlife ecology and conservation. Scientific photographing of fish and wildlife for education and research, including field survey on biodiversity for EIA and conservation activity. He described 35 new species, mainly freshwater fishes and cave decapod crustacean and one fossil primate. He was contributor to Thai National Mekong Committee for Transboundary EIA on Mekong mainstream dam impact to biodiversity and ecosystem services, National Red Data List, national Checklist and Invasive Alien Species of Thai fishes for the Office of Natural Resources, Environment Policy and Planning, Co-author of the Mekong Fish Database (taxonomic database in the Mekong basin) of the Mekong River Commission (MRC Fisheries Assessment). He published over 80 scientific papers, media and articles on aquatic biodiversity. . Recently he preparing Checklist and overview on Thai fishes, guidebooks on fishes of the Lake Songkhla and inner Gulf of Thailand with Dept. of Fisheries and Dept. of Marine and Coastal Resources.
Long-term interesting on (but not restrict to) fish systematic, mainly catfishes, gobies and other aquatic species diversity in various type of habitats including status of threatened and economic species, Asiatic larger mammalian paleontology and evolution. Wildlife and wetland conservation are minor interests.
Amornsakchai, S,. Annez, P., Vongvisessomjai, S., Choowaew, S., Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI), Kunurat, P., Nippanon, J., Schouten, R., Sripatatraprasit, P., Vaddhanaphuti, C., Vidthayanon, C., Wirojanakud, W., Wattana, E., 2000. Pak Mun Dam, Mekong River basin, Thailand. A WCD Case Study prepared as an input to the World Commission on Dams, Cape Town., R. L. and Vidthayanon, C. 2000. The impact of introduction and stocking of exotic fish species in the Mekong basin and policies for their control. Report from Management of Reservoir Fisheries in the Mekong basin, Vientienne. Mekong River Commission. 68 p.
Vidthayanon, C. 2008. Field guide to fishes of the Mekong Delta. Mekong River Commission, Vientiane.
Vidthayanon, C. 2008. Handbook to Thai Seafishes. Sarakadee Publ., Bangkok. 192p. (Thai).
Bezuigen, M. R.., Timmins, R., Maxwell, Vidthayanon, C and Zanre, R., 2008. Management 140-153 p. in Bezuigen, M. R.., Timmins, R. and Teak, S. (eds.) Biological surveys of the Mekong River between Kratie and Stung Treng towns, northeast Cambodia, 2006-2007. WWF Greater Mekong-Cambodia Country Programme, Cambodia Fisheries Administration and Cambodia Forestry Administration, Phom Penh.
Vidthayanon, C., Saenjundaeng, P. and Ng, H.H. 2009. Eight new species of the torrent catfish Oreoglanis (Teleostei: Sisoridae) from Thailand. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters. 14: 127-156
Rainboth W. J . , C . Vidthayanon and Mai, D. Y., 2012. Fishes of the Greater Mekong Ecosystem with Species List and Photographic Atlas. Miscellaneous Publications. Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, no. 201. 173 pp., 121 pls. Ann Arbor.
Vidthayanon, C. 2017. Checklist of Freshwater Fishes in Thailand. Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning, Bangkok, Thailand. 305 pp.
Nishioka, Y. and Vidthayanon, C., 2018. First occurrence of Duboisia (Bovidae, Artiodactyla, Mammalia) from Thailand. Foss. Rec., 21, 291–299, 2018.; https://doi.org/10.5194/fr-21-291-2018
Krajangdara, T., Vidthayanon, C. Ali, A., Chunsue,N. and Rodpradit, S. 2019. Fieldguide for Sharks and rays in Thai and adjacent waters. Thai Department of Fisheries.
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