Dr. K. Veeranjaneyulu served as the Professor and University Librarian in Prof.
Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, Hyderabad and Librarian &
Head-Central Library of National Institute of Technology, Warangal. He has two
post-graduate degrees - M.Com and MLISc, BGL and a Ph.D. in Library &
Information Science from S.V. University, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Library
Automation and Networking (PGDLAN) from Hyderabad Central University. He has
more than 35 years of professional experience in the field of library and information
science and served in different capacities in State Universities and National Institute
of Technology, Warangal (NITW).
He transformed the Central Library, NITW as a state-of-the-art library with
modern facilities to serve as the knowledge hub to cater to the requirements of
students, research scholars and faculty. He implemented KOHA - Integrated Library
Management System (ILMS) for automation of library functions and "MyLOFT (My
Library on Fingertips)" to ensure Remote Access Service along with the Mobile App.
He also established a state-of-the-art Digital Library with 60 new all-in-one
computers which enables students to access the digital content. He developed
Institutional Repository of NIT-W using the DSpace which serves as the treasure of
research output of the NIT-W. He implemented the cutting-edge RFID-enabled
Library service and security system which saves the time of the user community to
find the books and get them issued and returned without any manual intervention
over the self-check-in/out kiosks and Dropbox facilities. He organized various
Webinars during the Covid pandemic and successfully organized an international
conference in collaboration with the International Library and Information Science
Society (I-LISS) & Keimyung University, South Korea/JISTap on 13 th and 14 th October
2022, with more than 150 delegates from across India and abroad.
When served as the Head of the university library, PJTSAU, Hyderabad, he
was responsible for providing Information service to all the Scientists, Teachers,
Students and Extension Specialists of PJTSAU working in different units. He has
organized more than 25 conferences, seminars, workshops and training programmes
for working Librarians, Information Specialists, Teachers, Students; and attended
around 15 training programmes.
He is a Resource person to various Academic Staff Colleges in the country,
and delivered many Guest Lectures in Universities of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Haryana. He participated in more than 155 International
and National Conferences, Workshops and Seminars. Dr. K. Veeranjaneyulu severed
has a member of Committee for data validation for the ranking of the Agricultural
Universities for the years 2020 and 2021 and also member of NAAC DVV Committee.
He authored and edited more than 45 books and contributed more than 200
articles. He is a member of various Boards of Studies, Academic Councils and Faculty
Boards of many Universities in India, and a Ph.D. Adjudicator and External Examiner
for several Universities. Under his guidance, eight candidates were awarded M. Phil.
Degrees and five scholars successfully completed Ph.D. Degree.
Dr. Veeranjaneyulu is a life member of various learned societies, and Chief
Editor of the “Indian Journal of Agricultural Librarians & Information Services”
(IJALIS). He is also a member of the CeRA National Steering Committee and e-
Granth Digitization Committee, IARI, ICAR, New Delhi. He is involved in several
projects in the field of Library and Information Services and ICT as Nodal officer. He
was the Consortium Co-Principal Investigator of e-Granth Project and contributed for
the design and development of Union Catalogue of NARS Libraries (AgriCat) and also
played a crucial role in the development of Agricultural Institutional Repository
Database (KrishiKosh). Under the e-Granth project, he has implemented KOHA
Open Source Library Management Software in ANGRAU library.
He has initiated various Digital Library practices in ANGRAU. He established
Digital Library, e-Resource Centre, e-Resource Training Centre, Competitive
Examination Cell in Central Library, ANGRAU. He has implemented Web OPAC, RFID
Technology, 3M Library Security System and Electromagnetic tapes apart from
CCTVs for surveillance in PJTS Agricultural University and National Institute of
Technology Warangal. Countries visited U.S.A., Russia, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka,
Thailand, Tanzania and Canada. He is Member in CeRA- National Steering and
Negotiation Committee, ICAR, New Delhi.
He has been awarded USSHLE-IJILS Param Bhusan B.B.Shukla Millennium
Award for excellence in 2007. He received “Certificate of Appreciation” awarded for
outstanding contribution in developing KrishiKosh (Agricultural Institutional
Repositories Database) in the Libraries of NARES under the e-Granth Project from
the Director General, ICAR and National Director, NAIP, IARI, New Delhi. He also
received Appreciation Certificate from ICAR. Dr.K.Veeranjaneyulu has been honoured
with the prestigious "Life Time Achievement Award" by the Association of
Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists of India (AALDI), one of the oldest
professional societies in India for his three decades of dedicated service to
agricultural librarianship, leadership quality, commitment and service with highest
standard of excellence for the year 2021. Dr. K. Veeranjaneyulu has received the
Best Paper award in the "4 th I – LISS International Conference organized by
International Library and Information Science Society, co-hosted by The Tamil Nadu
Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India in association with JISTaP,
Keimyung University, South Korea and Jeonbuk National University, South Korea. He
received Certificate Appreciation from Director, National Institute of Technology,
Warangal on 26 th January, 2022 on the Occasion of 73 rd Republic Day in recognition
of his services rendered to the institute during COVID-19 Pandemic situation.