Dr. Manzoor Ahmad Malik

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Director (Rtired), Freelance Consultant and Master Trainer

Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources

Brief Biography

Dr Manzoor Ahmad Malik, from Pakistan, graduated (1985) in Agricultural Engineering, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, with distinction of two gold medals, and served as lecturer in the same university for two years. On open merit scholarship of Pakistan, he did MPhil leading to PhD (1995) Agro-hydrology from University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, where he won 1st prize for the best oral presentation (1992) and was selected amongst the best poster presenters (1993) in the university’s post-graduate research conferences. He was granted Overseas Research Student Award by the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals (CVCP) over the studies abroad.

https://www.facebook.com/DrManzoorAhmadMalik/ ;


Field of Interests

Interest areas are: water management, rural development, disaster risk reduction, mapping soil physical and hydraulic properties, high efficiency irrigation systems, ADCP based river flow measurement and profiling, drinking water quality management, policy studies, training and capacity building. Completed several public sector soil and water related research and development projects in poverty stricken rugged rural areas. Successfully executed milestone projects with agencies like, UNESCO, WHO, UNICEF, ICHARM, JICA, KOICA, and UNDP. Represented country at national and international forums. Senior Fellow of Policy Studies Institute of National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad. Resource Person and Reviewer of national/international agencies, donors

Fields of Expertise

Current Research Projects

i. Characterizing Hydrology of Eastern Rivers of Indus Basin-2015-18 (JICA funded US$ 220,000). ii. Establishment of National Capacity Building Institute, 2015-18 (GoP and KOICA funded US$ 3.20 million).

Key Publications

i. Malik, M.A., A. Bahzad, M. Ashraf (2022). Atlas of Hydro-Morphological Characteristics of the River Chenab and Active Flood Plains. Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR), Islamabad. Pp. 501-700. (ISBN 978-969-8469-88-7)

ii. Malik, M.A., A. Bahzad, M. Ashraf (2022). Atlas of Hydro-Morphological Characteristics of the River Jhelum and Active Flood Plains. Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR), Islamabad. Pp. 701-1000. (ISBN 978-969-8469-89-4)

iii. Malik, M.A., A. Bahzad, M. Ashraf (2022). Atlas of Hydro-Morphological Characteristics of the River Ravi and Active Flood Plains. Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR), Islamabad. Pp. 1-100. (ISBN 978-969-8469-85-6)

iv. Malik, M.A., A. Bahzad, M. Ashraf (2022). Atlas of Hydro-Morphological Characteristics of the River Sutlej and Active Flood Plains. Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR), Islamabad. Pp. 101-260. (ISBN 978-969-8469-86-3)

v. Malik, M.A. and Ashraf (2021). Hydro-Morphology of the Tributaries and Active Flood Plains of the River -Indus (2021). Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources, Islamabad (ISBN: 978-969-8469-78-1).

vi. Malik, M.A., M. Ashraf, A. Bahzad, A.M. Aslam (2019). Physical and Hydraulic Properties of the Upper Indus Plain of Pakistan- Research Report. Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources, Islamabad (ISBN: 978-969-8469-69-6).

vii. Malik, M.A. and M. Ashraf (2017). Determining River Basin Hydraulic and Physical Characteristics – A Manual. Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources, Islamabad (ISBN 978-969-8469-51-1)

viii. Malik, M.A. and A.Z. Bhatti (2015). Characterizing Snowmelt Regime of the River Swat – A Case Study, Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 20 No. II. uettaxila.edu.pk/techJournal, DOI.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.24917.58082

ix. Sanaullah, M., M.A. Malik (2014). Relative Impact of Land Use Intensity on Water Quality Degradation in Northern Districts of KPK, Pakistan. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Geological and Earth Sciences (GEOS), Singapore, 22nd September. http://www.geoearth.org 

x. Naeem, M., M.A. Tahir, M.A. Malik and M. Akram (2013). Evaluation of Drainage and Water Management Techniques at the Waterlogged Research and Demonstration Farm of WRRC Peshawar, Research Report published by PCRWR.

xi. Malik, M.A., M.A. Tahir, M. Akram and A.Z. Bhatti (2013). and Water Conservation and Management Practices for Mountainous Areas of KPK, (PCRWR publication No. 153-2013, ISBN 969-8469-45-0)

xii. Malik. M.A. and A.Z. Bhatti (2013). Indus Basin Transboundary Water Issues in Past and Present Perspective, Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan Volume 18, No 1 (Jan-June). https://tj.uettaxila.edu.pk/older-issues/2013/paper2.pdf 

xiii. Tahir, M.A., M.A. Malik and A.Z. Bhatti (2012). Installation of Chlorinators on the Water Supply Schemes in Flood Affected Areas of Pakistan (2012), PCRWR publication No 151-2012).

xiv. Tahir, M.A., M.A. Malik and A.Z. Bhatti (2011). Post Flood-2010 Water Quality Status in Sindh and Balochistan, PCRWR Islamabad (PCRWR publication No. 148-2011; ISBN: 978-969-8469-40-5).

xv. Malik, M.A. and M. Azam (2009). Impact Evaluation of Existing Irrigation and Agronomic Practices on Irrigation Efficiency and Crop Yields in Northern Areas of Pakistan, edited (83 pages; Publication No 139-2009; ISBN 978-969-8469-28-3)

xvi. Malik, M.A., M. Azam, A. Saboor (2010). Water Quality Status of upper KPK and Northern Areas of Pakistan, published by the Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (108 pages; PCRWR publication No 142-2010, ISBN 978-969-8469-35-1) xvii. Malik, M.A., M.I. Rao, A.Z. Bhatti and H.A. Salam (2009). Evaluation of Zero Tillage Technology in the Lower Indus Plain – A Case Study. Pakistan Journal of Water Resources, 13(2):9-16. ISSN: 1021-5409 xviii. Masood, A., M.S. Shah, M.A. Malik,G.D. Khan, S. Gul and I. Haq (2009) Collective and Individual Month-wise Data Management Approach on the Data Collected in Kalam (Swat) Through the Multiple Regression Analysis, Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, NWFP Univ. of Agri. 25(4).

xix. Malik, M.A. (2008). Snowmelt Stream Flow Relationship –A Case Study, International Conference on Use of Space Technology in Water Management, Al-Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (12-16 April, 2008), (Organized by IHP-UNESCO and KACST Saudi Arabia)

xx. Wyseure, G.C.L., M.A. Malik and M.A. Mojid (1995). Simultaneous Measurement of Soil Water Content and Electrical Conductivity by TDR. International Research Conference, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. (1995)

xxi. Wyseure, G.C.L., M.A. Mojid and M.A. Malik (1997). Measurement of Volumetric Water Content by TDR in Saline Soils. European Journal of Soil Science, 48:347-354. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2389.1997.tb00555.x

Postal Address

House # 32, Street # 8, Sector-J, DHA-2, Islamabad, Pakistan

Phone Number


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