I am a dutiful GIS/Remote Sensing professional with more than 10 years’ experience in surveying, creating, and maintaining foundational data layers to support Geographical Information System (GIS). These years of experience spans from national positions as Senior Project Scientist (GIS), consultancy works and One and Half years’ international experience with the Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and Pacific (CIRDAP) in the Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. During these years, I have also demonstrated my strength in areas of field data collection, imagery identification, reporting, briefing and meta data analysis.
Email : [email protected]
Climate change evaluation and Eco restoration and developmental measures, Applications of Remote Sensing in Ocean and Coastal Zone Management o Disaster Management and Mitigation, Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Natural Resources Management, Carbon Sequestration and Carbon Stock and Soil Organic Carbon calculations. Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Agriculture, Development of Landscape Management Plan and Monitoring, Remote Sensing and GIS for Watershed Planning and Management, Socio-economic Impact Assessments of Rural Development Programs, Spatial planning for Urban and Rural areas.
Sustainable Land Use and Forests Initiative Mangrove Restoration and Biodiversity Conservation for Coastal Communities Regenerative Afforestation & Agroforesty Initiative in India
-Rajesh Jayaraman., Lakshumanan Chokkalingam and Pande, C.B. (2023). Climate effects of Sea Level Rise change on Vulnerability in the Coastal area of Nagapattinam”. Climate change impacts in India. Springer, Earth and Environmental Sciences Library (EESL), https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-42056-6, Pages 403-414, First Online: 25 October 2023.
-Rajesh, J., Pande, C.B. (2023). Estimation of Land Surface Temperature for Rahuri Taluka, Ahmednagar District (MS, India), Using Remote Sensing Data and Algorithm”. Climate Change Impacts on Natural Resources, Ecosystems and Agricultural Systems. Springer Climate. Springer, Cham.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-19059-9_24, pp 565–577, Online ISBN978-3-031-19059-9.
-Santhosh Kumar, B., Rajesh, J., Pande, C.B., Varade, A. (2023). Land Use and Cover Variations and Problems Associated with Coastal Climate in a Part of Southern Tamil Nadu, India, Using Remote Sensing and GIS Approach.”. Climate Change Impacts on Natural Resources, Ecosystems and Agricultural Systems. Springer Climate. Springer, Cham. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-19059-9_26, pp 595–613, Online ISBN978-3-031-19059-9.
-Pande, C.B., Kadam, S.A., Rajesh, J., Gorantiwar, S.D., Shinde, M.G. (2023). Predication of Sugarcane Yield in the Semi-Arid Region Based on the Sentinel-2 Data Using Vegetation’s Indices and Mathematical Modeling”. Climate Change Impacts on Natural Resources, Ecosystems and Agricultural Systems. Springer Climate. Springer, Cham. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-19059-9_12, pp 327–343, Online ISBN978-3-031-19059-9
-Gadekar, K., Pande, C.B., Rajesh, J., Gorantiwar, S.D., Atre, A.A. (2023). “Estimation of Land Surface Temperature and Urban Heat Island by Using Google Earth Engine and Remote Sensing Data.”. Climate Change Impacts on Natural Resources, Ecosystems and Agricultural Systems. Springer Climate. Springer, Cham. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-19059-9_14, pp 367–389, Online ISBN978-3-031-19059-9
-J. Rajesh, Chaitanya B. Pande, Sunil A. Kadam, Sunil Gorantiwar, Mukund Shinde (2021) “Exploration of groundwater potential zones using analytical hierarchical process (AHP) approach in the Godavari river basin of Maharashtra in India”. Journal of Applied Water Science. Springer, (2021) 11:182. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13201-021-01518-x
-Chaitanya B. Pande, • Kanak N. Moharir, • Balamurugan Panneerselvam• Sudhir Kumar Singh• Ahmed Elbeltagi, • Quoc Bao Pham • Abhay M. Varade and, J. Rajesh, (2021) “Delineation of groundwater potential zones for sustainable development and planning using analytical hierarchy process (AHP), and MIF techniques”. Journal of Applied Water Science. Springer, (2021) 11:186, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13201-021-01522-1
-J. Rajesh, B. Santhosh Kumar and Sudhir Kumar Singh (2021) “Remote Sensing and GIS-based site suitability analysis for tourism development in Vaishali block, Bihar, India.” Acta Geographica Debrecina: Landscape & Environment 15 (2) 2021. 1-13 DOI: 10.21120/LE/15/2/2.
-Chaitanya B. Pande, Sunil A. Kadam, Rajesh Jayaraman, Sunil Gorantiwar, Mukund Shinde (2021) “Prediction of soil chemical properties using multispectral satellite images and wavelet transforms methods”. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences. Elsevier, 1658-077/© 2021 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jssas.2021.06.016
-Vidya. U. Kandekar • Rajesh Jayaraman. Chaitanya. B. Pande • A. A. Atre, • S. D. Gorantiwar • S. A. Kadam • Bhau Gavit (2021) “ Surface water dynamics analysis based on sentinel imagery and Google Earth Engine Platform: a case study of Jayakwadi dam”. Sustainable Water Resources Management. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 7:44 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40899-021-00527-7
-Rajesh. J, Lakshumanan. C, (2021) “Correlation between Land Surface Temperature and vegetation cover of Nagapattinam coastal zone, Tamil Nadu, using Geospatial Techniques.” Groundwater Resources Development and Planning in the Semi-Arid Region. Publisher: Springer International Publishing, First Edition- (2021). ISBN: 978-3-030-68123-4.
-Rajesh. J, Lakshumanan. C, (2021) “Assessment of Aquifer Vulnerability for Seawater intrusion in Nagapattinam Coastal area, Tamil Nadu using Geospatial Techniques.” Groundwater Resources Development and Planning in the Semi-Arid Region. Publisher: Springer International Publishing, First Edition- (2021). ISBN: 978-3-030-68123-4.
-Rajesh. J, Lakshumanan. C, (2020) “Environmental management of Nagapattinam region on the coast of Tamil Nadu, India. International Journal of Environmental and Ecology Research: Volume-1, Issue (01), ISSN: 2664-7117.PP-01-06. Rajesh. J, Lakshumanan. C, (2018) “Spatial-Temporal Variability of Rainfall Trends Analysis in Nagapattinam Coastal Zone, Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Global Resources: Volume-4 (02), ISSN: 2395-3160.PP-89-95.
-Rajesh. J, Lakshumanan. C, (2018) “GIS-Based Approach for the Identification of Artificial Recharge sites in Annavasal Block, Pudhukottai District, Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Climate change & water Resources: Volume-4, Issue (15). PP-282-298.
-Rajesh. J, Lakshumanan. C, (2017) “Coastal Vulnerability Indices: Constraints and Opportunities of Nagapattinam Region, Tamil Nadu, India. Geoinfor Geostat: An Overview Volume-5: Issue-4. DOI: 10.4172/2327-pp: 4581.1000164.
-Rajesh. J, Lakshumanan. C, and Govindaraj.V. Karthick.P. (2016) “Seal Level rise Vulnerability Assessment Model for selected coastal Area of Nagapattinam.” International J. of Geoinformatics and Geological Science, volume 3, Issue-1, and ISSN: 2393-9206.
-Rajesh. J, Lakshumanan. C, and Govindaraj.V. Karthick.P. (2016) “The Groundwater Quality monitoring of Nagapattinam Taluk, Tamil Nadu, India.” International J. of Chemistry and Chemical Science, volume 6 (1), Issue-01, pp- 35-51, and ISSN: 2319-7625.
-Rajesh. J, Lakshumanan. C, Karthick.P. and Govindaraj.V. (2016) “Coastal Vulnerability and Shoreline Changes for the Coromandel Coastal region of Nagapattinam.” Journal of Global Resources, Volume 3, Issue-3, pp- 81-88, and ISSN: 2455-2445.
-Rajesh. J, Lakshumanan. C, Govindaraj. V, Karthick. P. “Municipal solid waste disposal and Management using Geospatial Technology for Nagapattinam Taluk, Tamil Nadu, India.”Geo-Informatics applications in Natural resource management. First Edition-2016. ISBN: 978-93-85506-06-2.
-Rajesh. J, Lakshumanan. C, and Govindaraj.V. Karthick.P. (2016). “Environmental Impact Assessment of Brackishwater Aquaculture Activity in Nagapattinam Region Southeast coast of India.” International J. of Environmental and Analytical Toxicology, Volume 6, Issue-3, and ISSN: 2161-0525.
-Govindaraj.V. Lakshumanan.C, Rajesh. J, and Karthick. P. “Targeting groundwater Potential zones using Remote Sensing and GIS for Shanmuga Watershed.”Geo-Informatics applications in Natural resource management. First Edition-(2016). ISBN: 978-93-85506-06-2.
-Karthick.P. Lakshumanan. C, Rajesh. J, and Sivakumar.S. “Assessment of Land use/ Land cover changes through Remote Sensing and GIS in Perambalur Taluk, Tamil Nadu, India.”Geo-Informatics applications in Natural resource Management. First Edition-(2016). ISBN: 978-93-85506-06-2.
-Phanindra Kumar.T.Murthy.DSR, Madhava Rao.V.Rajesh.J (2016) “Monitoring of Temporal Changes in Mangroves Ecosystem, Kakinada coast using Geospatial Techniques. International J. of Current Science, Vol. 8, Issue, 08, pp.37364-37373, August 2016 and ISSN: 0975-833X.
-Rajesh.J. Phanindra Kumar.T.Murthy.DSR, Baskar.G. Masilamani.P. (2016). “Groundwater Quality Studies in Koraiyar Watershed, Coimbatore district, Tamil Nadu-An Geoinformatics Approach. International J. of Geomatics and Geoscience, Vol. 8, Issue, 09, pp.39097-39103, September, (2016) and ISSN: 0975-833X.
-Sivakumar.S, Lakshumanan. C, Rajesh. J, Karthick.P. (2015) “Identification of Ground Water Potential Zones in Hard Rock Terrain of Thiruvannamalai-Tamil Nadu, India. A Geomatics Based Approach.” International J. of Remote sensing and Geoscience. Volume 4, Issue-1 and ISSN: 2319-3484.
-Rajesh. J, Lakshumanan. C, Sivakumar.S., Karthick.P. (2014) “Land Use/Land Cover Studies Using Remote sensing and GIS for Muthupet.” International J. of intellectual Advancements and Res. In Engi. Computations, volume-02 (6), Issue-5, pp-151-162, and ISSN: 2348-2079.
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