Dr. Suthet Chandrucka

Job Title

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Primary Email


Smart Group Consultant

Brief Biography

In summary, He has a highly multiple skills include expertise in economy, Finance, Marketing, Corporate strategic planning, Public policy, Logistics and supply chain management, Promotion and development of renewable energy. His skills include promoting and developing SME entrepreneurs and eco-green management research, Conservation of natural resources and the environment by Ecology System, Knowledge management, Community development for quality and sustainable livelihoods.

Field of Interests

My research interests include the fields of sustainable community economic and technology development. Poverty correction Solving problems and reducing global warming
I also specialize in communication and knowledge management in chemical free farming with local wisdom. I have research experience in agricultural food supply with a nutritious food production chain process and a marketing management system with community involvement.

Fields of Expertise

Current Research Projects

-Green Management Model for Eco-farm in Thailand. Universal Journal of Management .Vol.3(8)309-317,2015
DOI:10.13189/ujm.2015.030802 URL: http//www.hrpub.org
-Green Management Model for Agricultural in Thailand. Sustainable Industrial Innovation and Management, 39 – 53.
-Academic Conference Journal And presenting engineering works Innovation and Sustainable Management(Eco Innovation and Solution) by The Industrial Environment Institute,The Federation of Thai Industries ,Ralamangala University of Technology Phanakorn.2015, URL: www.sime.eng.rmutp.ac.th

Key Publications

Journal articles / periodicals:

  • Antonino Vaccaro, Dalia Patino Echeverri,(2010).
    “Corporate Transparency and Green Management”, Journal of Business Ethics 95:487-506.
  • Aref A. et al,(2005).”Performance measurement for green supply chain management”,Benchmarking:An International Journal,Vol.1, Iss: 4, pp.330 – 353.
  • Barbara Bodorkos, Gyorgy Pataki,(2009).“Linking academic and local knowledge:community-based research and service learning for sustainable rural development in Hungary”,Environmental Social Sience Research Group (ESSRG),Szent Istvan University,Journal of Cleaner Production 17,p.1123-1131.
  • Bacallan, J.J.,(2000).Greening the supply chain,Business and Environment,Vol.6 No.5 pp. 11-12.
  • Bohlen, Diamantopolous and Schlegelmilch,(1995). “Consumer perceptions of The environmental impact of an industrial service.”Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 11 No. 1: 37-48.
  • Diane Holt, Abby Ghobadian,(2009).”An empirical study of green supply chain management Practices amongst UK manufacturers”,Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management,Vol. 20 Iss: 7, pp.933 – 956.
    Danish Enterprise and Construction Authority. Green business models in the Nordic region, Online available URL:http://www.motiva.fi/files/4878/Greenpaper_Green_Business_Models_in_the_Nordic_Region_A_Key_to_Promote_Sustainable_Growth.pdf.
  • Gyaneshwar Singh Kushwaha,(2010).“Sustainable development through strategic green supply chain management”,I.J.E.M.S.,Vol.1(1):7-11.
    Joseph Sarkis and Yong Geng,(2005).“Green supply chain management in China: pressures, practices and performance”,International Journal of Operations & Production Management,Vol.25 Iss: 5,pp.449 – 468.
  • Kenneth W. et al,(2012).”Green supply chain management practices: impact on performance”,
    Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 17 Iss: 3, pp.290 – 305.
  • Laroche, M., et al,(2001).“Targeting consumers who are willing to pay more for environmentally friendly products.” Journal of Consumer Marketing,Vol.18,No. 6:503–520.
  • Sangkumchalianga, P & W C Huang.,(2012).“Consumers’ Perceptions and Attitudes of Organic Food Products in Northern Thailand”.International Food and Agribusiness Management Review.1(15) 87-102.
    M.Tracey,(1998).The Importance of Logistics Efficiency to Customer Service and Firm Performance,The International Journal of Logistic Management,Vol.9,No2.
  • Rao, P.,(2002).Greening of the supply chain: a new initiative in South East Asia’,International Journal of Operations & Production Management,Vol.22 No. 6,pp.632-655.
    S.Tantiwetkun.(2005) Sufficiency Economy, Journal Rajabhat the Old City, Vol.14, No 2, 1-11.
  • Samir K.Srivastava,(2007).“Green Supply- Chain Management: A state-of-the-art literature Review , International Journal of Management reviews, Vol. 9 Issue 1 pp.53-80.

Book chapters and articles within proceedings:

  • A.Sungsri-in,K. Lertrat,S.Khawchaimaha.(2009) Fresh Vegetable Supply Chain in Nakorn Pathom Province, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen.
    D.Bowersox,D.Closs,M.Cooper.(2007)Supply Chain Logistic Management. 2nd Edition, Mcgraw Hill International, New York.
    E.Schmidt,(2004).“Consumer Willingness to Pay for Environmentally Friendly Produced Vegetables inThailand.”Proc.XVth IS on Hort Econ &Manag:107–113.
  • Lopez- Ridaura. Et al,(2002).Evaluating the Sustainability of complex Socio-Environmental Systems.The Mesmis Framework, Ecological Indicaters, 35:1-14 (ISI,FI:1.576)ISSN 1470-160X.
  • Miodrag MITIC,(2009).Fresh Product Traceability, EAN International, Uniform code council. Inc.,Rue Royale 145,1000. Brussel.
  • Pretty, J.N., Ball, A.S., Li, Xiaoyun, and Ravindranath,N.H.(2002).The role of sustainable agriculture and renewable–resource management in reducing greenhouse–gas emissions and increasing sinks in China and India. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences. 360(1797):1741-1761.
  • W.Wothirakun.(2007)Systems development,supply chain management,food safety,Department of Industrial
    Promotion,Ministry of Industry,Bangkok.

Postal Address

144/66 Phayathai Village,Changwattana Pakkred 3 Rd., Pakkred District, Nonthaburi , THAILAND, 11120,

Phone Number

(66)88 602 3345

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