No. |
Year |
Funding Agency |
Title/Research Topic |
1 |
2001 – 2007 |
Ministry of Agriculture Republic Indonesia |
Hybrid Rice Breeding |
2 |
2007 – 2020 |
Ministry of Agriculture Republic Indonesia |
Rice Breeding for Swampy Area |
3 |
2010-2012 |
International Rice Research Institute |
Improving of Livelihood Drought Prone Lowland in South East Asia |
4 |
2019 |
Ministry of Agriculture Republic Indonesia |
Multilocation Yield Trials of Rice Genotypes |
5 |
2021 |
Ministry of Agriculture Republic Indonesia |
Multi-environment Trials IRRI |
6 |
2020-2021 |
Increasing productivity in the swampy and coastal areas through supporting appropriate technology efficiently and environmentally friendly |
7 |
2020-2021 |
Rice Breeding for swampy and coastal areas tolerant to abiotic stresses and high yielding |
8 |
2021 |
Ministry of Agriculture Republic Indonesia |
Rice Breeding for high yielding (> 10 t/ha) |
9 |
2021 |
Ministry of Agriculture Republic Indonesia |
Optimizing of Utilization High Productivity Rice Field |
10 |
2022-2023 |
Phenotypic and Molecular Selection of Rice Genotypes for multi-stress tolerance |
11 |
2022-2023 |
Development of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) to Substitute Soybean Imports: Molecular Selection for Drought Tolerance in the Germination Stage |
12 |
2022-2023 |
Local Government of Katingan, Central Kalimantan |
Releasing local rice varieties |
13 |
2023 |
Local Government of Bekasi, West Java |
Food self-sufficient village study in Bekasi Distric |
14 |
2023 |
Development of Rice Varieties for High Productivity (> 10 t/ha) Through the Selection of DNA Markers and High Throughput Phenotyping |
15 |
2023 |
Development and promotion of rice breeding materials for blast in Indonesia |
16 |
2023 |
Development of technologies and genetic materials for nitrogen utilization in Indonesia |
No. |
Title |
Year |
Status |
1. |
Hybrid Rice Variety |
Hipa 3 |
2003 |
Granted |
2. |
Hybrid Rice Variety |
Hipa 4 |
2004 |
Granted |
3. |
Hybrid Rice Variety |
Hipa 5 Ceva |
2007 |
Granted |
4. |
Hybrid Rice Variety |
Hipa 6 Jete |
2007 |
Granted |
5. |
Irrigated Rice Variety |
Inpari 29 Rendaman |
2012 |
Granted |
6. |
Irrigated Rice Variety |
Inpari 30 Ciherang Sub1 |
2012 |
Granted |
7. |
Irrigated Rice Variety |
Inpari 38 Tadah Hujan Agritan |
2015 |
Granted |
8. |
Irrigated Rice Variety |
Inpari 39 Tadah Hujan Agritan |
2015 |
Granted |
9. |
Swampy Rice Variety |
Inpara 7 |
2012 |
Granted |
10. |
Swampy Rice Variety |
Inpara 8 |
2014 |
Granted |
11. |
Swampy Rice Variety |
Inpara 9 |
2014 |
Granted |
12. |
Swampy Rice Variety |
Purwa |
2018 |
Granted |
13. |
Irrigated Rice Variety |
Inpari Arumba |
2020 |
Granted |
14. |
Irrigated Rice Variety |
Inpari 47 WBC |
2020 |
Granted |
15. |
Swampy Rice Variety |
Inpara 11 Siam Hizinc |
2022 |
Granted |
16. |
Swampy Rice Variety |
Inpara 12 Mayas |
2022 |
Granted |
17. |
Irrigated Rice Variety |
Inpari VTE 13 |
2022 |
Granted |
18. |
Irrigated Rice Variety |
BK Situbondo 01 Agritan |
2023 |
Granted |
Application of indigenous zinc-solubilizing bacteria in biofertilizers to enhance zinc nutrition of rice grains in inceptisols paddy fields |
E. Pratiwi P. Lestari Y. Nugraha W. Hartatik Z. Susanti I.G.M. Subiksa A. Kasno T.A. Adriany Y.S. Fatma A.F. Nababan A.A. Rivaie |
2024 | |
Rubber-Based Agroforestry Systems Associated with Food Crops: A Solution for Sustainable Rubber and Food Production? |
Andi Nur Cahyo,Ying Dong,Taryono,Yudhistira Nugraha,Junaidi ,S ahuri,Eric Penot,Aris Hairmansis,Yekti Asih Purwestri,Andrea Akbar ,Hajar Asywadi,Risal Ardika,Nur Eko Prasetyo,Dwi Shinta Agustina,Taufan Alam, Fetrina Oktavia,Siti Subandiyah and Pascal Montoro |
2024 | |
Fe toxicity tolerance is advantageous in rice growth recovery after Fe stress alleviation |
Riku Fujimoto, Haruka Aratani, Indrastuti A. Rumanti, Yudhistira Nugraha, Takehiro Kamiya, Yuji Yamasaki, Yoichiro Kato |
2024 | |
Biological control of downy mildew Peronosclerospora spp. L. by application of endophytic agents in corn |
Djaenuddin, N. , Yusnawan, E. , Nugraha, Y. , Nasruddin, A. , Kuswinanti, T. |
2024 | |
Deciphering genetic-by-environment interaction, pests and disease’s reaction, grain quality, and response to fertilizer for targeting high-yielding rice varieties |
T. Sitaresmi, Nafisah, U. Susanto, Rahmini, Y. Widyastuti, B. Kusbiantoro, M.I. Wahab, A. Hairmansis, Y. Nugraha |
2023 |
Ecological Genetics and Genomics |
Advances in the development of rice varieties with better nutritional quality in Indonesia |
T. Sitaresmi, A. Hairmansis, Y. Widyastuti, Rachmawati, U. Susanto, B.P. Wibowo, M.L. Widiastuti, I.A. Rumanti, W.B. Suwarno, Y. Nugraha |
2023 |
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research
Land Cover Change and Food Security in Central Sumba: Challenges and Opportunities in the Decentralization Era in Indonesia |
Y. Ngongo, B. deRosari, T. Basuki, G. N. Njurumana, Y. Nugraha, A.H. Harianja, M. Ardha, K. Kustiyo, R. Shofiyati, R.B. Heryanto, J. Bernedi M. Rawung, J. O. M. Sondakh, R.E. Senewe, H. daSilva, R.T.P. Hutapea, P.R. Mattitaputty, Y.P. Kenduballa, N.R.E. Kotta, Y. L. Seran, D.K. Hau, D. Oktaviani, and Hunggul Y.S.H. Nugroho |
2023 |
Bioactive compound profile and their biological activities of endogenous black rice from Java and East Nusa Tenggara |
Fatchiyah, Anna Safitri, Christine Natalia Palis, Dewi R. T. Sari, E. Suyanto, S. Fajriani, N. Kurnianingsih, Y. Nugraha, T. Sitaresmi, Bram Kusbiantoro & James Robert Ketudat-Cairns |
2023 |
CyTA – Journal of Food |
Tolerance of Irrigated Lowland Rice Varieties To Iron Toxicity Under Nutrient Solution As Measured By A Digital Image Processing. |
T. Sitaresmi, E.H. Hotimah, R.H. Wening, Indrastuti A. Rumanti, and Y. Nugraha |
2022 |
http//–47 |
Improved Rice Varieties Developed for High-Altitude Tropical Upland Areas of Indonesia |
A. Hairmansis, Y. Yullianida, S. Supartopo, A. Yusuf, R. Hermanasari, A.P. Lestari, N. Nafisah, S. Santoso, A. Nasution, Y. Nugraha, H. Sembiring, P. Sasmita, S. Suwarno |
2021 |
International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering and Information Technology 11(4):1606 DOI: 10.18517/ijaseit.11.4.13488
The Effect of Anthocyanin of Whole-Grain Pigmented Rice Attenuated Visceral Fat, Cholesterol, LDL and PPARγ Gene Cascade in Dyslipidemia |
Fatchiyah, A. Safitri, R. N. Rohmah, L. F. Triprisila, N. Kurnianingsih, Y. Nugraha, S. Fajriani, H. N. Meidinna, J. K. Robert-Cairns. |
2020 |
Rat. Sys Rev Pharm 2020;11(10):318-327
Comprehensive stability analysis of rice genotypes through multi-location yield trials using PBSTAT-GE |
T Sitaresmi, WB Suwarno, C. Gunarsih, Nafisah, Y. Nugraha, P. Sasmita, AA Daradjat |
2019 |
SABRAO J Breed Genet 51: 355-372 |
Development of tolerant rice varieties for stress-prone ecosystems in the coastal deltas of Indonesia. |
I.A. Rumanti, I. A., A. Hairmansis, A., Y. Nugraha, U. Susanto, P. Wardana, Subandiono, R. E.,& Johnson, D. E. |
2018 |
Field Crops Research, 223, 75-82
Nutrient culture media with agar is effective for early- and rapid- screening of iron toxicity tolerant in rice |
Y. Nugraha, SW. Ardie , M. Ghulamahdi, Suwarno, and H. Aswidinnoor |
2016 |
J. Crop Sci Biotech doi: 10.1007/s12892-015-0075-z |
Markers–traits association for iron toxicity tolerance in selected indonesian rice varieties |
Y. Nugraha, SW. Ardie, M. Ghulamahdi, Suwarno, and H. Aswidinnoor |
2016 |
J. Biodiversitas. 17(2):753-763 doi:10.13057/biodiv/d170251 |
Generation mean analysis of leaf bronzing associated with iron toxicty in rice seedlings using digital imaging methods |
Y Nugraha, SW. Ardie, M. Ghulamahdi. Suwarno, and H. Aswidinnoor |
2016 |
SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics. 48(4): 453-464
Implication of gene action and heritability under stress and control conditions for selection iron toxicity tolerant in rice |
Y Nugraha, SW. Ardie, M. Ghulamahdi, Suwarno., and H. Aswidinnoor |
2016 |
Agrivita 38(3): 282-295. doi: 10.17503/agrivita.v38i3.740
Development of high-yielding rice varieties suitable for swampy lands in Indonesia. |
I.A. Rumanti, Y Nugraha, R.H. Wening, Z.J.C. Gonzaga, A. Nasution, D. Kusdiaman, & E.M. Septiningsih |
2016 |
Plant Breeding and Biotechnology 4(4): 413-425
Accelerating the development of new submergence tolerant rice varieties: the case of Ciherang-Sub1 and PSB Rc18-Sub1 |
E.M. Septiningsih, N. Hidayatun, D.L. Sanchez, Y. Nugraha, J. Carandang, AM. Pamplona, BCY Collard, A.M. Ismail, and D.J. Mackill |
2015 |
Euphytica, 202(2), 259-268.
Variation in tolerance of rice to long-term stagnant flooding that submerges most of the shoot will aid in breeding tolerant cultivars |
G.V. Vergara, Y. Nugraha, M.Q. Esguerra, D.J. Mackill, & A.M. Ismail |
2014 |
AoB Plants, 6;doi:10.1093/aobpla/ |
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