Ghanshyam Pandey

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Assistant Professor

Department of Economics, School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, SRM University AP, Andhra Pradesh, India

Brief Biography

Ghanshyam Pandey is an Economist and currently working as an Assistant Professor of Economics at SRM University AP. Previously have worked with ICAR-National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research New Delhi, Institute of Economic Growth Delhi, and AERC University of Delhi. The main area of research is included agricultural economics, climate change, development economics, socio-economic aspects, rural development.

Field of Interests

Agricultural economics, rural development, livelihood issues, Development economics, Climate change and agriculture

Fields of Expertise

Current Research Projects

Technological transfer and supply chain in agriculture

Key Publications

  1. Pandey, G and Kumari, S. (2021). Dynamics of agricultural growth and
    diversification in eastern India. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies. Vol. 11 (2), pp 105-120. ISSN 2044-0839
    (Listed in ABDC) Scopus
  2. Hazrana, J., Birthal, P.S., Negi, D.S., Mani, G., and Pandey, G. (2019). Spatial Spillovers, Structural Transformation and Economic Growth in India. Agricultural Economics Research Review. Vol. 32 (2), Pp 145-158. ISSN 0971-3441 (print) 0974-0279 (online). DOI:10.5958/0974-0279.2019.00028.4 (Listed in ABDC)
  3. Pandey, G., Khan, R. M., and Kumari, S. (2019). Pathways of agricultural transformation: a comparative analysis of Punjab and Bihar. Agricultural Economics Research Review. Vol. 32 (conference issue), Pp 1-11. ISSN 0971-3441 (print) 0974-0279 (online). DOI: 10.5958/0974-0279.2019.00013.2 (Listed in ABDC)
  4. Birthal, P. S., Joshi, P.K., Roy, D. and Pandey, G. (2019). Transformation and Sources of Growth in Southeast Asian Agriculture. Discussion Paper 01834, International Food Policy and Research Institute, (IFPRI) Washington D.C. May 2019 Scopus
  5. Birthal, P. S, Pandey, G., Jumrani, J and Harzana, J. (2019). Supply response of Indian dairying. Indian Journal of Animal Science. Vol. 89 (4), Pp 103-109. April 2019 ISSN: 0367-8318. Scopus
  6. Ranganathan, T., and Pandey, G. (2018). Who leaves the farmland fallow and why? An Empirical Investigation using Nationally Representative Survey Data in India. The European Journal of Development Research. Springer Nature Publication. Vol. 30 (5), Pp 914-933. December 2018. ISSN: 0957-8811 (print version) ISSN: 1743-9728 (electronic version) Scopus (Listed in ABDC)
  7. Pandey, G. (2018). Tackling poverty and inequality among farm households in Bihar: implications for achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs). Agricultural Economics Research Review. Vol. 31 (conference issue), Pp 17-24. November 2018. ISSN 0971-3441 (print) 0974-0279 (online). Indexed/Abstracted: J-Gate, Agricola, Google Scholar, Indian (Listed in ABDC)
  8. Pandey, G., and Ranganathan, T. (2018). Changing land-use pattern of India: Has there been an expansion of fallow lands?. Agricultural Economics Research Review, Vol. 31 (1), Pp 113-122. January -June 2018. ISSN 0971-3441 (print) 0974-0279 (online). DOI: Indexed/Abstracted: J-Gate, Agricola, Google Scholar, Indian (Listed in ABDC)
  9. Ranganathan, T., and Pandey, G. (2017). Tenancy and Fallow Land. World Development Perspectives, Vol.7-8, Pp. 28-31. November 2017. Elsevier Publication ISSN 2452-2929. DOI: Scopus (Listed in ABDC)
  10. Ranganathan, T., Tripathi, A., and Pandey, G. (2017). Income Mobility among Social Groups. Economic and Political Weekly. Vol. 52, Issue 41, Pp. 73-76. October 2017. ISSN 2349-8846. Scopus (Listed in ABDC)
  11. Pandey, G. K. (2016). Extent, Magnitude and Determinants of Indebtedness among Farmers in Eastern India: A Survey Based Study. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics. Vol. 73, No. 4, Pp. 450-462. December 2016. ISSN 0019-5014. Scopus (Listed in ABDC)
  12. Pandey, G. K. (2016). Income and Inequality among Farming Community: A Field-Based Study of Bihar, India. Asia Pacific Journal of Rural Development. Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 97-115. December 2016. Sage Publication, EISSN: 20740131 ISSN 1018-5291.

Postal Address

Department of Economics, School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, SRM University AP, Neerukunda Village, Mangalgiri Mandal, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India

Phone Number


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