Dr. Mohammed Helal Uddin

Job Title

Name of Organization

Primary Email

Director Research

Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP)

Brief Biography

I obtained my PhD from the Agricultural and Resource Economics Department of the University of Maryland at College Park in 2008. I also obtained an MA in Economics from the University of Florida at Gainesville, USA in 1999. Currently I am a Professor of economics at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, and Director (Research) at the Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP) which is an inter-governmental organization of 15 Asia Pacific Countries.

Field of Interests

My area of expertise includes Rural Development, Industrial Organization, Agricultural and Resource Economics, and Micro Econometrics.

Fields of Expertise

Current Research Projects

A Review of Agricultural and Non-agricultural Real Income for Investigating Food and Nutrition Security Policy in Bangladesh

Key Publications

Credit Rationing and Pass-Through in Supply Chains: Theory and Evidence from Bangladesh (with Shahe Emran, Forhad Shilpi and Dilip Mookherjee), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, forthcoming. Decomposing rural income into sectors to identify their likely contributions in rural poverty reduction in Bangladesh (with Nurul Islam), Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development, Volume 29, Issue 2, December 2019. Competition Assessment using Pass through of Raw Sugar Prices from the Global Market, Asia Pacific Journal on Environment and Development, Volume 28-31, Special Issue, 2019.

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Risks for the Female Workers Engaged in Shrimp Processing Industry in Bangladesh (with M. Nuruzzaman) Asian Fisheries Science Special Issue, 30S (2017): 181-198.

Do Consumers Benefit from Supply Chain Intermediaries: Evidence from a Policy Experiment in Edible Oils Market in Bangladesh (with Shahe Emran, Forhad Shilpi and Dilip Mookherjee), Policy Research Working Paper – WPS 7745, 2016, World Bank, Washington DC.

Connecting Farmers to Consumers: Trading in High Value Products in Bangladesh (with Forhad Shilpi, M.N. Hoque and J. Yao), 2015.
Background paper for “Dynamics of Rural Growth in Bangladesh” GFADR, World Bank, Washington DC

Postal Address

86/i, Shahid Gias Uddin Residential Area Dhaka University

Phone Number


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