Scientific and research activities and experiences
Since 1994, have been working as a faculty member in universities and research centers.
Ebrahimpour has taught at all levels of education, including from high school and undergraduate to specialized doctorate and postdoctoral levels.
Some of the courses he has taught at the Ph.D. and Master’s level are the following:
– Rural sociology
– Agricultural development
– Development Sociology
– Research methods
– Applied demography
– Rapid collaborative assessment
– Advanced statistics in social sciences
– Globalization and human rights
– Intellectual property rights
– New theories of rural development
– participatory rapid appraisal
– Social facilitation as an auxiliary procedure in research
– Ppopulation forecasting techniques
– Agricultural systems and procedures in the world and Iran
He has done many researches in the field of rural development and agriculture. Some of his most important researches are the following. And he has more than a hundred works and authorships including scientific articles, books and research reports in this fields
Some titles include
– Strategic program of rural and agricultural development in Iran
– Evaluation of the impact of rural development of construction jihad on reducing the mortality of rural children
– Intensification of agriculture in Iran
– Consequences of the Bam earthquake in the agricultural sector and rural society
– Causes of fertility decline in rural areas of Iran
– Sociological functions of optimal cultivation pattern
– Perspective of population and rural development in Iran
– Advantages of family farming in Iran
– Existential necessity and functional importance of returning to local communities and agricultural communities
– Application of technology and innovation in basic village agriculture and etc.
Ebrahimpour has been and is the supervisor, advisor and reviewer of more than fifty doctoral and master theses. He has organized and implemented more than 100 international and national-local workshops.
Since 2000, he have been researching on the development of agriculture in Iran and in the Asian continent in a specialized way and in a survey and field Procedures
In the theoretical view, more than twenty strategies including mechanization, agrarian reforms, green revolution, agriculture and industries have failed. In my opinion, the only way to advance agriculture and provide food security as well as environmental sustainability is to realize the solutions of this strategy finally the theory of “agricultural intensification based on family” is unique and special.
In the field of labor and employment demography, in addition to the evaluation of general population and housing censuses and scientific mastery of various rates and formulas for calculating activity and employment, he has been active in the implementation of training and employment programs for local communities.
Ebrahimpour has been managing and having specialized responsibility for many years and is an active member in more than 30 institutions and specialized councils. Also, he is active in promotional and specialized programs in radio, television and media.
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