Dr. Phu Xuan Pham

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Primary Email

Senior lecturer and researcher

An Giang University, a member of Ho Chi Minh City National University, Viet Nam

Brief Biography

Dr. Pham Xuan Phuis currently senior lecturer and researcher of Rural Development and Natural Resources Management Department, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, An Giang University, a member of Ho Chi Minh City National University, Viet Nam. He has more than sixteen years’ experience in teaching in researching.He has strong background in the fields of integrated rural development and sustainaible agriculture and agrobiodiversity. He has published several papers in international journal and local newspapers. His research focuses on indigenous knowledge, vulnerable livelihoods, sustainaible agriculture and agrobiodiversity. Besides,he performs as livelihood and climate change policy advisor for Oxfam, VRN, Green IDEA, RDViet and WARECOD to undertake research and development activities in the fields of livelihood, natural resources management, water governance, energy transition and climate resilience components.

Field of Interests

My research interests include the in the fields of integrated rural development of indigenous knowledge in sustainaible agriculture and agrobiodiversity. I have more than sixteen years’ research experience in teaching in researching of integrated rural development and sustainaible agriculture and agrobiodiversity with the outcomes to providing for rural community development solutions to conserve the valuable indigenous knowledge in adapting to climate change in sustainable development within the region.

Fields of Expertise

Current Research Projects

  • Impact water security on people’s livelihood in Mekong River Delta, Viet Nam
  • Contribution of community tourism to poverty alleviation, Mekong Delta, Viet Nam.
  • Communication on Water-related Climate Change Risks to Improve Adaptability in the Mekong Delta.
  • Analysis of economic value of fisheries resources downstream of Mekong River.
  • The role of accessing social media in the area of salt water intrusion and climate change, Mekong Delta, Viet Nam.
  • The water balance equations for strategy to adapt to climate change in Vietnam.
  • Research on understanding of indigenous knowledge on changing of flood to agricultural production, Mekong Delta, Viet Nam.
  • Investigation of climate change impacts on rice production in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam: Implication for food security and adaptation strategies.
  • A research on the impact of sediment reduction and nutrient loads on the agricultural production and livelihood in the Mekong regions of Vietnam.

Key Publications

P.X, Tran.N.T.B (2021). Evaluating of factors affecting the satisfaction of community participation and contribution of the new rural program in Mekong Delta, Viet Nam (case study in An Giang province. International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management Research, Vol.6 (1), pp 35-41. ISSN: 2456-3676.

URL: http://ijaemr.com/link/433

P.X, Tien.D.T.M, Duc.H.N, Nguyen.T.P, Tran.N.T.B, 2020. Impact water security on people’s livelihood in Mekong River Delta, Viet Nam (case study in An Giang province). International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management Research, Vol.5 (6), pp46-56, ISSN: 2456-3676.

URL: http://ijaemr.com/link/426

P.X, Tran.N.T.B, 2020. The role of indigenous knowledge and livelihood to adapt to flood in sustainable development in Mekong Delta, Vietnam (A case study in An Giang province). Journal of Acta scientific agriculture, Vol.4(10), pp10-15,ISSN: 2581-365X.

URL: https://www.actascientific.com/ASAG/pdf/ASAG-04-0897.pdf

P.X, Tran.N.T.B, 2020. Study on the impacts of hydropower dams on aquatic resources and livelihood of the people in Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Journal of Acta scientific agriculture, Vol.4 (4), pp38-41, ISSN: 2581-365X.

URL: https://www.actascientific.com/ASAG/pdf/ASAG-04-0828.pdf

P.X, DE.N.N (2019). Vulnerability Assessment of Farmer’s Livelihood to Flood in An Giang province. Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development, Vol. 29 (1), pp 37-51, ISSN 1018-5291.


Pham Xuan Phu, Nguyen Ngoc De and Ngo Thuy Bao Tran, 2019. Study on assessment of indigenous knowledge in adapting to floods of farmers in An Giang province, Mekong Delta, Vietnam.Journal of Acta Scientific Agriculture, Vol. 3(4), pp 275-283. ISSN 2581-365X.


P.X, De.N.N andTran.N.T.B (2019). Indigenous knowledge: Current status, application in production and life in An Giang province. Can Tho University Journal of Science, Vol.55 (1), pp68-78, ISSN: 1859-2333.

URL: https://sj.ctu.edu.vn/ql/docgia/tacgia-42033/baibao-66889.html

Pham Xuan Phu and Nguyen Ngoc De,2017. Farmer’s indigenous knowledge and their adaptive capacity to floods in An Giang province. Can Tho University Journal of Science, Vol. 50, pp13-25, ISSN: 1859-2333.


P.X (2016). The role of accessing social media in the area of salt water intrusion and climate change in Binh Thanh commune, Thoai Son district, An Giang province. Journal of science in An Giang University, Vol.11 (3), pp22-32, 2016. ISSN 0866-8086.

P.Xand De.N.N (2016). The situation and solutions for using indigenous knowledge of local people in adaptation to floods in An Giang province, Vietnam. Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development, Vol.16 (2), pp 72-96. ISSN 1018-5291.


Postal Address

Rural Development and Natural Resources Management Department, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, An Giang University, a member of Ho Chi Minh City National University. 18 Ung Van Khiem street, Dong Xuyen Ward, Long Xuyen City, An Giang province (90000), Vietnam.

Phone Number

+84 0942904982 (Vietnam) or+81 09093875785 (Japan)

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