Prof. Poh Poh Wong

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Visiting Associate Professor

School of Social Sciences, University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Prof. Wong Poh Poh

Brief Biography

Citizen of Singapore, based in Singapore. Ph.D. from McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Completed professional courses on tourism, ecotourism, coastal zone management and disaster management. Major international and regional involvement includes author in IPCC 3rd to 5th Assessment and SROCC (1998-2019), UNEP GEO6 Asia Pacific (2015-16), COBSEA/YEOSU Sea-level Rise and Coastal Erosion in East Asian Sea (2012-13), IGBP-LOICZ Synthesis Report : Megacities and Urban Regions on the Coast (2012), Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) (2003-05), Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) (2003-05), IGU Commission on Coastal Environment (1989-92), and ICLARM/PEMSEA (1989-90). Course Director, IOI-Thailand (2016-19).

Field of Interests

Coastal geomorphologist, with emphasis on field study in more than 30 countries, particularly in Southeast, South and East Asia and Indian Ocean islands. Internationally recognized in coastal-related studies. Interests and research extend to coastal management and tourism, climate change and sea-level rise, small islands, tsunami-impacted coasts and mangroves. Proposal on mangrove planting was a co-winner in MIT Climate CoLab Climate Change Adaptation 2014 Contest.

Fields of Expertise

Current Research Projects

Key Publications

Wong, P.P. (2020). Schema for investigating coasts and beaches. European Journal of Environment and Earth Sciences, Vol. 1 (6).

Wong, P.P. (2018). Coastal protection measures – case of Small Island Developing States to address sea-level rise. Asian Jour. of Environment & Ecology, Vol. 6 (3), pp 1-14.

Cheong, S-M., B. Silliman, P.P. Wong, B. van Wesenbeeck, C-K Kim and G. Guannel (2013). Coastal adaptation with ecological engineering. Nature Climate Change, Vol. 3, pp 787-791.

Wong, P.P. (2012). Impacts, recovery and resilience of Thai tourist coasts to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. In J.P. Terry and J. Goff, editors, Natural Hazards in the Asia-Pacific Region : Recent Advances and Emerging Concepts, Geological Society of London, Special Publication 361, London, pp. 127-138.

Wong, P.P. (2009). Impacts and recovery from a large tsunami : Coasts of Aceh. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol. 18, pp 5-16.

Wong. P.P. (2003). Where have all the beaches gone? Coastal erosion in the tropics. Singapore Jour. of Tropical Geography, Vol. 24, pp 111-132.

Wong, P.P. (2000) Coastal tourism in Southeast Asia : research from the environmental perspective. In K.S. Chon, editor, Tourism in Southeast Asia : a New Direction, Haworth Hospitality Press, New York, 107-121.

Wong, P.P. (1999). Adaptive use of a rock coast for tourism – Mactan Island, Philippines. Tourism Geographies, Vol. 1, pp 226-243.

Wong, P.P. editor (1993). Tourism vs. Environment : the Case for Coastal Areas, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 225 pp.

Wong, P.P. (1992). Impact of a sea level rise on the coasts of Singapore : preliminary observations. Jour. of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences, Vol. 7, pp 65-70.

Postal Address

21B Jalan Hock Chye Singapore 538215 Singapore

Phone Number

+65 62844124

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