Prof. S K Singh

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Freelance Consultant

Brief Biography

I am a citizen of India. I have Post-graduate and Ph.D degree in social sciences from reputed Universities in India. I was awarded National Merit Scholarship by the Government of India. I have undergone specialised course at the University of Birmingham, U.K, sponsored by the British Council. As a resident of India, I had opportunities to work with reputed apex organisations in various capacities. Also served at International/Regional organisations to conduct/guide research and training activities. I have served as Ph.D examiner for some universities and member of editorial board of several reputed Journals/periodicals. I was member of governing council of some academic organisations. I had an opportunity to participate/contribute theme papers in several national/international workshops/conferences/seminar at the national/international level. I have authored and published several books, research papers and book reviews. As a trainer, I have conducted/organised several training programmes/policy workshops/ seminar on various themes for important stakeholders/critical functionaries at national/international levels at different places/countries.

Field of Interests

My experience spans for Four Decades of academic/administrative engagements/collaborations with the reputed India’s apex organisations and International Institutions in various capacities. During this period, I had quality learning, exposure and simultaneously contributed to the body of knowledge, capacity building of stakeholders/critical functionaries, and policy formulation aspects through Research and Training on various facets of Integrated Rural Development, Decentralised Governance, Local Government Systems, etc.. Besides these subjects, my interest includes Disaster Management, Microfinance. I have published twelve books, more than ninety research papers, forty five Book reviews in International and National Journal of repute. Moreover, I have completed/conducted more than twenty five Research Projects on important themes sponsored by National/International bodies. I have conducted more than two hundred Training programmes on topical themes/critical issues.

Fields of Expertise

Current Research Projects

• UNFPA Research Project on Baseline Survey on Fertility, Mortality and related factors
• ODA , UK research project on Baseline Survey on Fertility and related factors
• Status Paper on National Rural Employment Programmes
• Implemented on NREP: Role of Panchayati Raj Institutions
• Autonomous District Councils in Meghalaya
• Panchayati Raj Finances in Uttar Pradesh
• Functional And Financial Devolution on PRIs – in KERALA (Sponsored by the Eleventh Finance Commission)
• State Panchayat Fiscal Relations with Particular Reference to Assigned Revenue and grants-in-aid
• Decentralised Planning and Management of Primary Health care Services under PRIs
• Arrangement for Implementation of Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana (Team Leader)
• Implementation of Sampoorna Grameen Rojgar Yojana (SGRY) through Panchayati Raj
• Right to Information and Panchayati Raj Institutions: An Analysis of Salient Dimensions
• Role of Panchayats in Decentralised Delivery of Services with Particular Reference to Health and Education
• Community Based Disaster Management in Bangladesh
• Study on Role of Elected Women Representatives in Panchayati Raj, Sponsored by Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India.
• Implementation of NREGA : Role of Panchayati Raj Institutions
• Model Guidelines on Provisions of PESA
• An Approach Paper on National Training Plan for Elected Representatives of Panchayats
• National Training Design for Training of Elected Members and Officials of Panchayati Raj Institutions
• UNDP sponsored large scale study on Pro-poor initiative for tribals

Key Publications

  1. Edited Volume on ‘Microfinance in Select Countries of Asia-Pacific Region’Published by CIRDAP, 2012Book was released by H E Minster for Agriculture, Government of Sri Lanka in June 2012 at Colombo
  2. Edited Volume on ‘Participatory Techniques for Planning and Management of Rural Development Projects’ by CIRDAP, 2013
  3. Role of Panchayati Raj in India, Radha Publications, New Delhi, 1992.
  4. Panchayati Raj Finances in Uttar Pradesh, NIRD, Hyderabad, 1998
  5. Panchayati Raj Finances in Madhya Pradesh, Concept Publishing House
  6. Edited Six Volumes on Self-Governance for Tribals, for UNDP-MoRD sponsored Sub-programme on “Peoples’ Empowerment through Panchayati Raj Institutions and Studies on Laws Affecting the Poor”
  7. A Policy Perspective on Panchayati Raj Training: edited volume on Panchayati Raj and Local Governance through the eyes of Writers and   Thinkers, edited by  K. Sinha and K. Gopal Ayer, NIRD, Hyderabad,  2009 pp. 244 – 265
  8. Internal Resource Mobilisation by Panchayats: The Case of Madhya Pradesh. Edited volume on Dynamics of New Panchayati Raj System in India Vol. VII, Editor: G. Palanithurai, Concept Publishing Company, pp. 8ss3-129
  9. Changing Rural Livelihoods in South Asia: Constraints and Opportunities in CIRDAP publication on “Changing Rural Livelihoods in CIRDAP Member Countries, pp.53-99
  10. Rural Development in Select Asian Countries: An Overview in Afro-Asian Rural Development Organisation (AARDO) Publication on “Microcredit Delivery System and Good Governance in Rural Development”, pp.91-109
  11. Role of NGOs in Poverty Alleviation in Bangladesh in Afro-Asian Rural Development Organisation (AARDO), Publication on “Microcredit Delivery System and Good Governance in Rural Development”
  12. Community Based Cyclone Preparedness Programme in Bangladesh: An Overview; Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development, voxx, July 2010, No.1, pp. 1-17
  13. Sustainable Rural Livelihood in Asia-Pacific: An Overview. CIRDAP Publication on Sustainable Rural Livelihood, Lessons and Concerns for CIRDAP Member Countries, pp.27-51
  14. Rural Housing Economy by Housing Foundation of the Governmentof Iran titled Economics of Rural Rural Housing
  15. ‘Microfinance : Challenges and Opportunities’, published in the edited volume on Microfinance in Select Countries of Asia-Pacific Region
  16. ‘Capacity Building for Local Governance : A Suggestive framework for Select Member Countries of CIRDAP’, in Special Issue of APJORD vol. xxii, July 2012
  17. Some Political Implications of Populations Growth, Janasamakhya, Vol. IV, No.2, December 1986, pp. 137-145
  18. National Rural Employment Programme: Performance and Prospects Journal of Rural Development, Vol.8, No.1, January 1989, pp. 31-48
  19. Italy’s success story through Small Units, The Hindu, November 8, 1990, pp.17
  20. Karnataka Panchayat Act: Captive Body, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XXVII, No. 52, December 1993, pp. 2879-2880
  21. Towards Effective Rural Self-Government, The Hindu, January 4, 1994
  22. Why PRIs are short of Funds, The Hindu, September 13, 1994, pp.25
  23. Financial Prospects of Self relience of the Panchayats: The Case of Taxation Powers, Journal of Rural Development, Vol.16, No.2, 1997, pp. 259-289
  24. Panchayats for Scheduled Areas, Mainstream, October 4, 1997, vol. xxxv No.43, 8-11
  25. Implementation of Education Policy in India: The Case of Operation Blackboard Scheme in Madhya Pradesh, Journal of Educational Planning and Administration, Volume XII No.2, April 1998, pp. 155-172
  26. A simple reason for conflict, Panchayat Raj-I, Newstime (National Daily), Wednesday 3 May, 2000, p.8
  27. Gram Sabha soul of the system, Panchayat Raj-II, Newstime (National Daily), Thursday 4 May, 2000, p.8
  28. Controlling growth in numbers, Newstime (National Daily), Thursday 14 September, 2000,p.8
  29. An appraisal of Panchayats in Fifth Schedule , Status of Panchayati Raj in India, published by Institute of Social Sciences, New Delhi, 2013

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