Dr. SM Zobaidul Kabir

Job Title

Name of Organization

Primary Email

Joint Secretary

Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Bangladesh Secretariat

Brief Biography

As a Joint Secretary of Bangladesh Government, I have been severing for more than 25 years. In addition to serving at national level of the Government of Bangladesh, I worked for United Nations Population fund as a National Project Professional Personnel, Central Queensland University in Australia and University of Otago in New Zealand as Researcher Fellow.


Field of Interests

Sustainable Regional Development, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment, Renewable Energy and Municipal Solid Waste, Livelihood, Sustainability.

Fields of Expertise

Current Research Projects

Managing the implementation of 10 different projects. The projects are implemented by Bangladesh Livestock Resource Institute. In addition, organising and managing development budget and other activities of 42 projects implemented by Department of Fisheries and other agencies under the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock.

Key Publications

Book  1. Momtaz, S., and Kabir, SMZ. 2018 (2nd Edition), Evaluating Environmental and Social Impact Assessment in Developing Countries, Elsevier, USA (Pages 217) (available at www. amazon.com) (The book is being used as a reference book at various universities worldwide including MIT, USA)  Book Chapters

2. Momtaz, S., and Kabir, SMZ, 2013, Environmental Problems and Governance in Dhaka City, in Dewan, A., and Corner, R., (eds), Dhaka Megacity: Geospatial perspectives on Urbanization, Environment and Health, Chapter-15, pp. 283-299, Springer, United Kingdom.

3. Khan, I., Chowdhury, S., Kabir, Z. 2020, An overview of energy scenario in Bangladesh: current status, potentials, challenges and future directions, in Asif, M., (ed), Energy and Environmental Outlook for South Asia, Chapter-3, pp.40-62, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, USA.

4. Kabir, Z., 2021, Social, economic, and environmental aspects of bioenergy resources, in Azad, K., and Khan, MK, (eds.) Bioenergy Resources and Technologies, Chapter 13: 391-417, Elsevier, USA (accepted).

5. Kabir, Z and Kabir, M., 2021, Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries: Towards a Circular Economy. In: Baskar C., Ramakrishna S., Baskar S., Sharma R., Chinnappan A., Sehrawat R. (eds). Circular Economy and Sustainability: Solid Waste Management, Springer, Singapore. Chapter-56 , pp-1-34. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-7525-9_1-1

6. Kabir, Z., and Morgan, RK., 2020, Strategic Environmental Assessment in New Zealand: current practice and future direction, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (JEPM) (IF 2, Q1), doi.org/10.1080/14615517.2020.1762389

7.Kabir, Z., Momtaz. S., & Morgan, R., 2020, Strategic environmental assessment of urban plans in Australia: the case study of Melbourne Urban Extension Plan, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, (IF 2.1, Q1). DOI: 10.1080/14615517.2020.1762389.

8. Kabir, Z., and Khan, I., 2020, Environmental Impact Assessment of Waste to Energy Projects in Developing Countries: A Guideline in the Context of Bangladesh, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, (IF 3.5, Q1), Vol. 37: 1-13.

9.Khan, I., and Kabir, Z., 2020, Sustainability assessment of waste-to-energy (Electricity) generation technologies and its prospect in the developing world: A case of Bangladesh, Renewable Energy, (IF 5.4, Q1), Vol.150:320-333

10.Kabir, SMZ and Momtaz, S., 2013, Sectoral variation in the quality of environmental impact statements in Bangladesh and factors influencing the quality, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (IF-2, Q1), DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2013.824415.

Postal Address

39/A Bailey Road, Ministers Apartment, Dhaka-1000

Phone Number


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