Submit Expert Details

Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP) is building an expert database on the different disciplines and research areas, which is linked to integrated rural development (IRD). The purpose is to collect information that we can use to prepare a public profile for you. The profile will be included in the Experts Database on the CIRDAP website.

Please fill in the form as completely as possible. We would appreciate it if you could follow the guidelines carefully, spell check your entries and invest some time in making your profile as good as you can. Your response will be edited and sent back to you for confirmation before publication. Twice a year you will be invited to review and update your profile.

Listing in the database is by invitation from the CIRDAP Secretariat or nomination by partner institutions. You can submit the form below as a Microsoft Word document to [email protected] . For a faster submission on an online form, please visit: If you have any questions or queries write to [email protected] keeping cc [email protected].

  • The format is flexible, but as an example you could write something like this: "My research interests include the in the fields of Economics of Agriculture and Sustainable Nutrition. I also have expertise in the communication and knowledge management in climate smart farming. I have thirty years’ research experience in economic progress, nutrition and malnutrition, cognitive development and economic outcomes to the health system of rural community in Asia-pacific region incorporating the role of food production, agricultural markets, value chain development and food environments in providing nutritious food at an affordable price; agriculture and sustainable food systems within the region. "
  • Select as many as relevant, but only tick your major areas of expertise. Your profile will be labelled with these tags for people to filter the database and find experts in related fields easily. Profiles will also be tagged with country of residence.
  • Example:
    • Food Waste to Wealth: Post-harvest Loss from Farm Gate to Market. URL: click here
    • Integrated Rural Development Project URL: click here
  • EXAMPLES (please follow Harvard citation style):

    Journal Articles / Periodicals:
    Phu. P.X (2019). Vulnerability Assessment of Farmer’s Livelihood to Flood in An Giang province. Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development, Vol. 29 (1), pp 37-51 URL : click here

    Books and Monographs:
    Singh, S.K (2012), Microfinance in Select Countries of Asia-Pacific Region. CIRDAP Training Series No. 76, 301 p. Ram, P. Shiva (2016), Arsenic in Drinking Water: A case study in Rural Bangladesh. CIRDAP RCF Study Series No. 1, 55p

    Book Chapters and Articles within Proceedings:
    Rao, B. Sudhkar, eds (2005). Guidelines for Good Governance. Mullen, Joseph. Ten critical lessons on Poverty and Local Governance-based on Empirical Evidence from Commonwealth-CIRDAP Countries. CIRDAP Training Series no.74.
  • Please email your personal photo as a separate .jpg file to [email protected], The last thing is to provide a portrait photo of yourself (head and shoulders). We are aiming for a 'smart casual' look on the website, so please SMILE in the picture and avoid suits and dress uniforms. We want a photo of you looking relaxed and happy (NOT your passport photo). A nice background such as a garden, your lab or office would be a plus. Traditional dress and wetsuits are ok! Adding a photo will increase your profile views.

(c) CIRDAP – all rights reserved