Dr. Suchana Apple Chavanich received her Ph.D. in Zoology at the University of New Hampshire, USA. Currently, she is a Professor of Oceanography at the Department of Marine Science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. She is also considered to be Thailand’s first female scientist to go diving in Antarctica and Arctic. Her research work on Arctic-Antarctica and coral reefs has inspired Thai and young people on the value of marine ecosystems. Because of her work, she has received several awards and recognitions both nationally and internationally. She is also a Sustainable Ocean Ambassador appointed by UN-AFMA-FAO Annex.
She has a broad base of ecological research interests that involve the study of nearshore species from tropical to polar regions. In addition, her research focuses on conservation and restoration of marine ecosystems and impact of climate change and marine debris. She is also an author of many articles and several books, including marine conservation, Antarctica, coral reefs, and scuba diving.
Marine pollutions and management:
Chavanich, S., V. Viyakarn, S. Khokiattiwong, and W. Zhu. (2020) Particulate-plastics distribution and ecotoxicity in marine ecosystems and a case study in Thailand. In N. S. Bolan, M. B. Kirkham, C. Halsband, D. Nugegoda, and Y. S. Ok (eds.), Particulate plastics: Sources and ecotoxicity in terrestrial and aquatic environments. CRC Press. pp. 357-364.
Thushari, G, J. Senevirathna, A. Yakupitiyage, and S. Chavanich. (2017) Effects of microplastics on sessile invertebrates in the Eastern Coast of Thailand: An approach to coastal zone conservation. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 124:349-355.
Thushari, G, S. Chavanich, and A. Yakupitiyage. (2017) Coastal debris analysis in beaches of Chonburi Province, eastern of Thailand as implications for coastal conservation. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 116:121-129.
Ecosystem restoration and impact of climate change:
Kuanui, P., S. Chavanich, V. Viyakarn, M. Omori, T. Fujita, and C. Lin. (2020) Effect of light intensity on survival and photosynthetic efficiency of cultured corals of different ages. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 235:106515.
Lam, V. W.Y., S. Chavanich, S. Djoundourian, S. Dupont, F. Gaill, G. Holzer, K. Isensee, S. Katua, F. Mars, M. Metian, J. M. Hall-Spencer. (2019) Dealing with the effects of ocean acidification on coral reefs in the Indian Ocean and Asia. Regional Studies in Marine Science. 28:100560.
Chavanich, S. and V. Viyakarn. (2016) Conservation and restoration of coral reefs under climate change: Strategies and practice. In S. Goffredo and Z. Dubinsky (eds.), The Cnidaria, Past, Present, and Future. pp. 787-792.
Marine biology and aquaculture:
Kullapanich, C., S. Jandang, M. Palasuk, V. Viyakarn, S. Chavanich, and N. Somboonna. (2021) First dynamics of bacterial community during development of Acropora humilis larvae in aquaculture. Scientific Reports. 11:11762. doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-91379-w.
Viyakarn, V., S. Chavanich, E. Heery, and C, Raksasab. (2020) Distribution of sea cucumbers, Holothuria atra, on reefs in the upper Gulf of Thailand and the effect of their population densities on sediment microalgal productivity. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 235:106514.
Viyakarn, V. and S. Chavannich. (2013) Polar Harmony. National Science Museum, Thailand. 84pp.
Chavanich, S., L. G. Harris, and V. Viyakarn. (2010) Nudibranchs of Thailand. Biodiversity Research and Training Program (BRT), Bangkok. 104pp.
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