Vasanthi Rajendran

Job Title

Name of Organization

Primary Email


Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development

Brief Biography

Doctorate in Economics from Osmania University , India .Worked in Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific as Director( ICD &Training), in National Institute of Rural Development, India as Asst. Director and as Faculty Head and currently as Professor with Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development , India. Contributed to the strengthening youth and rural development training and documentation in India. Initiated and coordinated the first ever Youth Development Index Project for India and the Indian Youth in New Millennium Study and developed India exclusive Youth Portal and the first ever Journal of Youth Development Endeavour.

Field of Interests

An Information, Education and Communication expert contributed to strengthening youth and rural development training and documentation in India. Areas of interest are Youth Development ,Rural Wage Employment, Development Communication and Women in Governance. Edited over 300 books on rural and youth development and published several articles in reputed journals. Conducted over 300 training programmes for national and international participants on various facets of Rural Communication and Youth Development. Participate regularly as a Resource person in South Asian Regional Conferences on Promoting Gender Responsive Politics. Designed several Capacity Building Modules for Youth and conducted several in-depth research studies on youth issues.

Fields of Expertise

Current Research Projects

Key Publications

Rajendran Vasanthi & Paul David (2020).Skilling the Rural Youth of the Northeast of India Through Rural Technologies .Asia Pacific Journal of Rural development ,Vol.30 (1-2),pp195-202 (

Postal Address

B Quarters RGNIYD Campus,Sriperumbudur,Tamil Nadu , India 602105

Phone Number


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(c) CIRDAP – all rights reserved